Sentiment and Keyword Analysis Project


The Sentiment and Keyword Analysis Project is a data analysis endeavor that focuses on understanding sentiments and identifying keywords in textual data, such as articles or blog titles. Using Python, NLTK (Natural Language Toolkit), and VADER (Valence Aware Dictionary and sEntiment Reasoner), this project delves into sentiment analysis and keyword identification to extract valuable insights from text data. It serves as a powerful tool for content analysis, market research, and understanding public sentiment.


Project Outcome

The Sentiment and Keyword Analysis Project empowers users to gain insights from textual data. By conducting sentiment analysis, it helps understand the emotional tone of text entries, providing valuable information for market research, brand reputation analysis, and content optimization. Additionally, the keyword identification aspect aids in identifying relevant topics or trends within the text data, enhancing content curation and understanding user interests.

Note: This project contributes to informed decision-making within the sales and marketing domains, supporting organizations in achieving their sales targets, increasing profitability, and enhancing customer satisfaction. Please note that further analysis, interpretation of findings, and recommendations based on the insights gained from this project may be necessary in a real-world scenario.

View the code on GitHub: Sales Analysis Project

View the Tableau Visualization on GitHub: Tableau report file